The packet. It seems this is a hurdle for some and I can see why.. It is a good amount of work and not something you can just sit down and knock out in a Saturday afternoon. I have read the patient manual and spent countless hours watching Dr. Rutledge's videos on the site so the answers are all there. I am currently working on the contacts and waiting for replies for the Doctor letters. Most of the other info is completed so that is good.
Update: For those who do not know what "The Packet" is you should know that Dr. Rutledge makes you do plenty of research and write many documents on what you have learned and what previous patients you have contacted, etc.. It is not uncommon for the packet to take 2 months to finish so it is a really big and important step. For more packet info click here.
Tonight the Action Hero Makeover is on Discovery Health Channel again and I have contacted a few more friends to make sure they get a chance to see the show and see what got me so excited.
Hi Mike
Just looking over the additions you have made to this site, Looks great!
Unknown said...
January 11, 2009 at 7:18 PM