As I mentioned in the last post.. I had the honor of being in my good friends Patrick and Whitney's wedding this weekend.. It was awesome and an incredible time was had by all. The food was amazing and I was able to taste just about everything. I danced for hours with energy and self confidence I have been missing for some time. As if that was not enough to make the whole event perfect, I also had the pleasure of having my girlfriend Carol by my side and that made everything even more perfect. Carol is an amazing woman and she has been an incredible support for me prior to and after the surgery. I am a lucky man. (Thank you God!). This picture is of us at the wedding rehearsal dinner. I am wearing a suit that I don't remember the year it was last worn.
MGB Notes: This weekend was the ultimate MGB food test thus far. I faced many a food situation this weekend.. from the rehearsal dinner at Christopher's to the beautiful wedding catered by Global Event Group, to the Sunday Lunch at the Ruffino House (we had delicious lasagna). I ate anything I wanted to eat and stopped when I was full. I did not feel cheated or dissapointed because only the quantity was different from usual.. I did forgo some foods (like breads) so I could make room for more salad and fruits but I did that subconciously... it just happened that way. I am truly a changed man.
As a side note.. At the wedding I learned that I have more web site followers than I expected and that is great! I was told, however, that the web site updates need to be more frequent so I will do my best to get that done. Thank you for your support.
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